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General School Affairs/Facilities

School Hours

School works for 6 days in a week. Saturdays as Half Days. Second Saturday being a holiday.
Classes 1 to 10 have eight periods a day with a short recess of 10 mins. after first two periods and a lunch recess of 40 mins at the end of the fourth period.
The Pre-Primary classes have independent schedules including recess and lunch period which are well supervised.

parents: Academics


  • Girls: Grey skirts and blouses, black shoes, black socks and black ribbons.

  • Boys: P.P.1 to 6 Grey Shorts and Grey scout pattern half sleeve shirts, black leather shoes with laces and black socks.

  • 6 to 10 Grey pants, grey scout pattern half sleeve shirts, black leather shoes with laces and black socks.

parents: Text

School Transport

The school provides transport to and from school for those students who pay the required fee and abide by the bus rules.
It is imperative that parents contact the school office as soon as they have tentative plans to change their residence in order to arrange transportation to the new house. It is possible there will be no transportation available to the new location or the buses already going there have no vacancy.

parents: Text

Fee Payment

The school fees can be paid by the following ways:


1) visit our school address and drop in your cheque at the cheque drop box.


2) pay using the UPI ID :  sspsu@sbi


3) Visit our school address and pay manually at the fee collection desk.

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To Download The Application Form Click Below

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